Every year, we globally celebrate an official Food Safety Day. This year, on June 7, 2023, the focus is on Standards.

During a recent webinar, Kitty Appels and Bruno Sechet discussed several crucial changes in the standards and highlighted key points to assist you in your work. The webinar covered significant updates within various GFSI-standards and addressed anticipated challenges, providing valuable insights for audits.

<p> <img src="Food Safety Day June 7 2023.jpg" alt="Food Safety Day Food Safety Standards"> Knowledge of food safety standards </p>

Replay Ask us Anything about Food Safety Standards

The topic is extensive, and we understand that you may have many questions.

Please feel free to reach out to us.

To offer you a more comprehensive understanding of the subjects we discussed, we recommend reading the following articles – or go to the search bar for more interesting articles;-):


  1. Challenges of Microbiological Sampling Plans
  2. La clave del éxito de la prevención de los objetos extraños
  3. 6 Áreas para la gestión exitosa de alérgenos


  1. Todo el mundo tiene CCP
  2. El reto de la contaminación cruzada por alérgenos

Novel Food:

  1. How Nanotechnology is changing the world


And of course we have many trainings and Mastery Modules on these subjects.