7 étapes pour être IMPACT en tant que responsable de la qualité

7 étapes pour être IMPACT en tant que responsable de la qualité

Introduction : comment un responsable peut résoudre le problème Avez-vous le sentiment de gérer la qualité pour votre organisation uniquement pour des raisons de conformité, juste pour avoir un certificat au mur ? C'est le cas dans de nombreuses organisations. Ce que les gens ne voient pas, c'est qu'il s'agit d'une réalité, d'un impact...

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Avoid These Common Mistakes During Recalls

A Recall Guide for QA Departments When it comes to ensuring food safety, quick and efficient recall processes are paramount. QA departments play a crucial role in safeguarding consumers by swiftly addressing potential issues with products. However, several common...

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Understanding PFAS in Our Food

Why PFAS in Food and Feed Matters and What the New Rules Say PFAS: What Are They? PFAS stands for chemicals found in many products that keep stains, water, and grease away. They're in many everyday items like waterproof clothes and some types of pans. Because they...

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Holistic Techniques to Manage Executive Stress

Executives Finding Balance Understanding Stress in the Executive World Imagine starting your day as an executive already overwhelmed. Before the first email is read, the weight of countless decisions and responsibilities presses down on you. You're not alone. Many...

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IFS Food v8 Allergen Management

IFS Food v8 Allergen Management requirement 4.19 Food safety matters. It builds our trust in food. Allergens can sneak in, making their management key. The IFS Food v8 standard, especially requirement 4.19, sets the scene. It outlines how to spot and control allergens...

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Navigating Conflict in the Food Industry

In the dynamic realm of the food industry, conflicts are an inevitable part of our professional landscape. As quality managers overseeing the intricacies of food safety and standards, we often find ourselves navigating through various conflict scenarios. This post is...

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Escalation Process

Identifying the Problem Have you encountered customer issues that required managerial intervention? Often, these stem from ignored food safety complaints. Senior management frequently steps in to resolve such grievances. This signals a major gap in handling customer...

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What are Stress and Burnout? Stress, in the right doses, can actually be beneficial. This positive stress, termed "eustress," aids in sharpening our focus. It's the adrenaline rush you feel when facing a looming deadline, the energy surge just before a presentation,...

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Unveiling the Hidden Risks

Unveiling the Hidden Risks in Our Grocery Aisles As we stroll through the inviting grocery store aisles, we rarely think about the hidden risks in seemingly safe food items. But little do we know that products like romaine lettuce, precut cantaloupe, "safe-to-eat"...

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The Transformative Power of Mentoring

What is the transformative Power over Mentoring Personal and Professional Growth? Mentoring holds the key to unlocking your true potential and propelling you towards success. Accomplished individuals have long relied on mentors to enhance their skills, overcome...

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