Below you will find a list of our partners:
Food Safety Experts - Zuid-Amerika
Luis Alberto Fissore
Food Safety and QA Consultant – Auditor
Córdoba – Argentina
M +54 (9) 376 4204397
Skype: luisfissore
QAR Solutions - Pharmaceutical Quality, Auditing, Regulatory Solutions
Rajnish Chhabra
W.H. van Leeuwenlaan 112
2613 ZG Delft – The Netherlands
M +31622407831
QAR Solutions is Founded and lead by Rajnish Kumar Chhabra, backed by more than three decades of experience working with large multi-national companies at various levels that include from being an operator to team lead to functional manager and eventually to assume Global responsibilities. Aiming to foster credibility and respect within the pharmaceutical industry.
HAI smart4industries
Food Safety Experts is lid van de HAI smart4industries consortium
Lexerta Nederland
Food Safety Experts is Premium Partner van Lexerta Nederland voor Pharius compliance tool levensmiddelenwetgeving.
Lexerta Nederland (voorheen genaamd RDMG) staat bekend als de specialist op het gebied van juridische informatieverstrekking en het overzichtelijk aanbieden van deze wetten en regels. De scope richt zich op de vakgebieden Arbo en veiligheid, milieu en voedselveiligheid. RDMG doorleeft het juridisch terrein op dit vlak en begrijpt daarin de behoeften van de QHSE professional.
Food Safety Experts en MorganGreen zijn partners voor kwaliteitsprofessionals. Morgan Green bemiddeld al jaren diverse Food professionals binnen de levensmiddelenindustrie en gelooft dat innovatie en ontwikkeling essentieel zijn voor de beste kwaliteiten. Om hier een bijdrage aan te kunnen leveren bieden zij haar kandidaten diverse trainingsmodules aan om hun eigen kennis en ontwikkeling verder uit te breiden. Deze trainingen worden verzorgd door Food Safety Experts.
TAUW has been providing compliance management services in the field of Health, Safety and Environment for years. TAUW does this according to a self-developed method, in which they use the online compliance application Pharius.
Since the third quarter of 2020 Pharius has been extended with a Food Safety module. Food Safety Experts has extensive experience in this area and is a partner of Pharius for Food Safety.
TAUW and Food Safety Experts have joined forces. Thanks to the close cooperation between Food Safety Experts and TAUW, we can offer customers the opportunity, in addition to changes in HSE legislation and regulations, to receive customized changes regarding food safety.