What Skills Does a Quality Manager Need?

A Quality Manager is a very important function in a food manufacturing facility. On the other hand, there is a lot of variation in the role of a Quality Manager and of course also a lot of different skills that are needed. It al depends on how your company is...

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Ethylene Oxide Your Questions answered

Ethylene Oxide, your questions answered. At Food Safety Experts we have a service called QFS Success Coaching. Our participants can schedule unlimited coaching calls with their coach and discuss the topics they would like to bring at the table. Many of our coaching...

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The Key To Successful Foreign Object Prevention

The Key To Successful Foreign Object Prevention

It is important to understand what foreign object or objects is / are present in food. 2018 was a record year for food recalls related to foreign objects: there was one case per week on average, according to worldwide data from Horizonscan. In absolute numbers, these...

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Food import & export between China and the EU

Food import & export between China and the EU

What are import food and export food requirements between China an the EU? What do you need to know? Ham treated with pesticides, fake powdered milk, expired meat sold to fast food chains and baby formula contaminated with melamine are just a few examples of the long...

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How Heat Sealing Machines Work

How Heat Sealing Machines Work

In the early sixties hardly anybody knew how heat sealing machines work. For those of you that were born in or before the sixties, you may remember your lunch choice being made through a glass shelf on a café counter top, where the selection on offer was a bland...

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Which Food Fraud & Other Supply Chain Hazards

Which Food Fraud and other hazards are causing issues? Did you know that approximately 50% of the major issues and recalls faced by food producers are not originating from the food producing company itself? To a large extent these major issues and recalls originate at...

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How Nanotechnology is Changing the World

Introduction of Nanotechnology Picture this: you open the fridge reaching for the milk and notice that the carton has changed color: it was bright blue when you brought it home from the store but now it’s dark brown. That can only mean one thing: the milk is spoiled,...

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